Models & Tools: The Skill of Self-confidence 💪

Short video from Dr. Ivan Joseph on the skill of “Self-confidence”, with some key points below:

  • Pressure builds diamonds: Repeat, practice, repeat, practice … in different situations, so that you’ve been in the situation before: develop your ability to practice! 
  • Do not stop when you hear a no, Persist
  • Thoughts influence actions : Watch your self-talk, develop and repeat your self-affirmations in quiet moments : “I am the captain of my ship, the master of my fate”
  • Write a letter to yourself with all the things you are proud about yourself, which you can read when feeling down
  • Interpret feedback the way you choose to : pick the right eyeglasses
  • To help others in developing self-confidence : Catch people when they are good, Praise behaviours you want to reinforce: “great job!”
The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

Sources: Snapwire, TEDx

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