Models & Tools: The 90-day Gameplan 🏁 

At the beginning of this year, I would like to share about the 90 Day Marketing Gameplan. I find the approach both reflective AND goal and action-oriented interesting.

Let’s get started with an illustration and concrete examples!

✨ What’s the purpose? Maximize Your Year : step back, clarify priorities, and define personal or professional goals (e.g., regain meaning, clarity, direction, motivation…).

First, a reflective part ⏸️ – Answer these 6 questions:

🔍 About the Past :

  • What are you most proud of, when looking at the past 90 days?
    • Example: I led an international team in the successful implementation of an innovative marketing campaign, significantly increasing our conversion rates
    • I dared to speak to my manager about my desire for a promotion
  • What do you regret?
    • Example: I regret not delegating some tasks to focus more on strategy. It created unnecessary stress
    • I regret not asking for my promotion earlier.

📸 About the Present:

  • What are you currently confident and strong in?
    • Example: My ability to quickly grasp concepts and make swift decisions makes me confident in my current role.
    • My skills, my family, my friends.
  • What do you lack today?
    • Example: I feel a lack of harmony within my team. Although the results are there, the atmosphere could be more collaborative.
    • I lack clarity, motivation, and perhaps courage.

🚀About the Future:

  • What are you the most excited about for the upcoming months?
    • Example: I’m excited to launch an innovation project that will revolutionize our industry.
    • I’m eager to embark on the entrepreneurial journey and truly see what I’m capable of when I can express my full potential.
  • What worries you?
    • Example: The imminent organizational changes could disrupt the current dynamics of my team.
    • My responsibilities towards my family, the financial security I provide them with today, the judgment of others, and the fear of failure if my business doesn’t succeed.

After answering those 6 questions, what do you feel as you read your answers? What are your thoughts?

Note: You can choose another relevant time horizon for yourself: 3 months, 6 months, 1 year…

Then about Objectives & Actions 🎯- Define 5 areas of Focus

Now, take a moment to answer this question: What needs to happen over the next 90 days for me to feel proud, more confident, and enthusiastic?

Identify your top 5 goals (5 areas of focus) for the next 3 months. These goals should be specific, measurable, and aligned with what you want to achieve.

Here are some examples:

  1. Boosting self-confidence > Undertake a 360° assessment, identify my top 3 strengths, and implement 3 simple actions to consciously develop them over time.
  2. Enhancing my team dynamics > Implement workshops throughout the year to foster collaboration and create a constructive atmosphere within the team.
  3. Balancing work and personal life > Establish defined working hours for 2 days a week and plan leisure activities once a week to maintain my balance.
  4. Developing a new skill > Seek coaching support to help track my progress and find allies and mentors I can rely on to handle complex situations internally.
  5. Celebrating my successes > Establish a daily ritual to recognize and celebrate small victories, both mine and those of my team…

For any further help or guidance through this reflection, feel free to contact me to support you in defining concrete objectives and implementing actions! 🌟✨

Photo: Ann H

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